Pool of Experts

EPOS ERIC is establishing a list of potential experts (the "Pool") who might be called upon to contribute to the work of the Executive Coordination Office in specific profiles and on case-by-case basis.

The purpose of this Pool is to have and use the information of accredited experts on specific requested profiles for potential contracting.

Any natural and legal persons fulfilling the following requirements may apply:
- Citizenship in one of the European Union Member States or in case of legal persons, established in one of the European Union Member States;
- Good knowledge and command of English;
- Relevant qualification and professional experience in the relevant Profile for which they apply;

EPOS ERIC will admit to the Pool persons who meet the above criteria and who can demonstrate that they have the qualifications and/or experience as described in the relevant Profile.
To apply please use the following link: form.
Applicants are required to submit supportive documents to demonstrate how they meet the requirements mentioned above, including their curriculum vitae, full contact details and indicate the specific Profiles they are applying to.

This notice will remain open for a period of three months (last date for application is November 15th 2022).
EPOS ERIC reserves the right to extend, revise or revoke this notice by communicating on the EPOS ERIC website.

EPOS ERIC will evaluate the applications received on an on-going basis by verifying the completeness of the application and the possession of the requirements set out in this notice. EPOS ERIC reserves the right to request additional information and/or documentation in support of the declarations made with the application e.g., evidence of ability to draft and communicate in English; document(s) providing evidence of the declared professional qualification in the Profile(s) selected; list of relevant experience (projects, studies and/or publications) relevant to the Profile(s) selected.

When the need arises for a particular task relating to a specific Profile, EPOS ERIC will assign expert(s) to the task on the basis of the skills, experience and knowledge necessary and in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment and absence of conflict of interests. Tasks assigned to legal persons shall be under the responsibility of the person identified in the application following this call.
Whilst maintaining the principle of choosing the most qualified Expert for the specific task requested, EPOS ERIC will also take into account, where possible, an appropriate rotation of experts.
Note: Inclusion in the Pool does not give rise to any obligation on behalf of EPOS ERIC to sign any contract or award any assignment to individual Expert.

The terms and conditions of specific assignment will be defined in a separate agreement between EPOS ERIC and the Expert, considering the professional capacity and the required commitment.

Pursuant to Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and to the EU Regulation 2016/679 and in relation to your personal data, we inform that personal data will be used for the sole purpose of establishing the EPOS ERIC Pool of Experts.

For further information please contact administration@epos-eric.eu