EPOS is a beneficiary of several EU-funded projects, which promote the knowledge-sharing and cooperation between several Research Infrastructures and other international organisations.





Geo-INQUIRE (Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch) will provide and enhance access to selected key data, products, and services, enabling the dynamic processes within the geosphere to be monitored and modelled at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and precision. Geo-INQUIRE aims to overcome cross-domain barriers, especially the land-sea-atmosphere environments, and will exploit innovative data management techniques, modelling and simulations methods, developments in AI and big data, and extend existing data infrastructures to disseminate these resources to the wider scientific community, including the EOSC landscape.
Start date: 1 October 2022  | End date: 30 September 2026
European Programme: HORIZON EUROPE, Research infrastructures, Opening, Integrating and Interconnecting Research Infrastructures



The EU funded DT-GEO (A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes) project aims at developing a prototype for a digital twin on geophysical extremes including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and anthropogenic-induced extreme events. The project harnesses world-class computational and data Research Infrastructures (RIs), operational monitoring networks, and leading-edge research and academia partnerships in various fields of geophysics.
Start date: 1 September 2022 | End date: 31 August 2025  
European Programme: HORIZON EUROPE, Research infrastructures, The innovation potential of European Research Infrastructures and activities for Innovation and Training



ENVRI-Hub NEXT (ENVironmental Research Infrastructures delivering an open access Hub and NEXT-level interdisciplinary research framework) aims to expand multidisciplinary environmental sciences by fostering operational synergies between environmental research infrastructures. The project leverages complementarities in data and services provision, enhancing the integration of cutting-edge information technology and contributing to a more integrated, productive, and globally competitive ENVRI Science Cluster.
Start date: 1 February 2024 | End date: 31 January 2027 
European Programme: HORIZON EUROPE, Research infrastructures, Consolidating and Developing the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures



ERIC FORUM 2 (Second implementation project for the ERIC Forum) aims to structure the cooperation between ERICs and support the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and ERICs services. This projectwants to consolidate the integration of the ERICs in the European Research Area by deepening the ERIC Forum’s contribution to research policies.
Start date: 1 September 2023 | End date: 31 August 2027 
European Programme: HORIZON EUROPE, Research infrastructures, Coordination and Monitoring of the European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs)



Skills4EOSC (Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science) brings together leading experiences of national, regional, institutional and thematic Open Science (OS) and Data Competence Centres from 18 European countries with the goal of unifying the current training landscape into a common and trusted pan-European ecosystem, in order to accelerate the upskilling of European researchers and data professionals in the field of FAIR and Open Data, intensive-data science and Scientific Data Management.
Start date: 1 September 2022 | End date: 31 August 2025
European Programme: HORIZON EUROPE, Research infrastructures, Consolidating and Developing the Landscape of European Research Infrastructures, The innovation potential of European Research Infrastructures and activities for Innovation and Training, Supporting an EOSC-ready digitally skilled workforce



RItrainPlus (Research Infrastructure TRAINing PLUS) brings together, for the first time, research infrastructures, core facilities, business management Schools and European universities, in a new innovative concept to transform the access and empowerment of human resources for national and international scientific facilities in Europe.
Start date: 1 April 2021 | End date: 31 March 2025
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures, Strengthening the human capital of research infrastructures






GREAT (The Green Deal Data Space Foundation and its Community of Practice) aims to establish the GDDS (Green Deal Data Space) foundations and Community of Practice with: (1) the Minimum Viable GDDS for the first implementation phase of the data federation; (2) the reference blueprint of the technical architecture; (3) the governance scheme and (4) implementation roadmap, building on the strong involvement and support of a (5) cross-sectoral pan-European community of practice of data and service providers, users and intermediaries.
Start date: 1 September 2022 | End date: 30 April 2024 
European Programme: DIGITAL EUROPE, DIGITAL Coordination and Support Actions


EOSC Future

EOSC (European Open Science Commons) Future will build on the existing baseline for the European Open Science Cloud to deliver a platform with a durable set of user-friendly components that are designed for the long haul.
Start date: 1 April 2021 | End date: 31 March 2024
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures, Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures



The overarching goal of ENVRI-FAIR (ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research) is to advance the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIRness) of the data and services offered by the ENVRI Cluster research infrastructures and to connect them to the emerging European Open Science Cloud.
Start date: 1 January 2019 | End date: 30 June 2023
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Developing new world-class research infrastructures



The EU-funded EPOS SP (European Plate Observing System Sustainability Phase) project will ensure the long-term sustainability of the EPOS Research Infrastructure. It will create effective synergies among diverse actions dedicated to securing governance and financial sustainability through the entire research infrastructure life cycle.
Start date: 1 February 2020 | End date: 30 April 2023
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures, Developing new world-class research infrastructures.



The ERIC Forum’s (ERIC Forum Implementation project) aim is to advance operations of ERICs and to strategically contribute to the development of ERIC related policies.
Start date: 1 January 2019 | End date: 31 December 2022
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures, Reinforcing European policy for research infrastructures, Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures, Facilitate strategic international cooperation.



The ENRIITC (European Network of Research Infrastructures and Industry for Collaboration) aims to establish a pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) to improve the RI-industry cooperation and boost the innovation ecosystem in Europe.
Start date: 1 January 2020 | End date: 31 December 2022
European Programme: HORIZON 2020, EXCELLENT SCIENCE, Research Infrastructures, Exploiting the innovation potential of research infrastructures.