Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting, Infrastructure


Application Programming Interface


Creative Commons licenses enable the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.


Common European Research Infrastructure Format


Computational Earth Science


Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Framework


Dublin Core, Metadata Standard


Digital Object


European Open Science Cloud


Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.


General Data Protection Regulation


Global Earth Observation


Graphical User Interface


High Performance Computing


High Throughput Computing


International Public Sector Accounting Standards


International Standards on Auditing


Intellectual Property Rights


Key Performance Indicator


Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development


Permanent Identifier. Usually PID includes the concept of UID (Unique Identifier)


Public Sector Information


Socio Economic Impact


Solid Earth Science





EPOS terminology (acronyms)


European Plate Observing System (EPOS)

The solid Earth science a distributed research infrastructure


The European Research Infrastructure Consortium aimed at providing an effective governance framework to drive the integration and coordination of the TCS and build and provide governance for the ICS.

Data, Data products, Software and Services


the EPOS provision (including physical access to facilities) identified by the thematic communities, validated by EPOS ERIC, and developed in a way that can be ingested by the ICS-C; DDSS are guaranteed by the TCS through their respective service provider/s.

Ethics Board


the external Board that monitors the ethical principles and compliance with relevant legislation associated with EPOS ERIC activities and issue recommendations to the General Assembly.

Executive Committee (EC)

the body supporting the Executive Director in the implementation of the core mission and activities of the EPOS ERIC infrastructure.

Executive coordination office (ECO)

the EPOS ERIC Headquarter representing the EPOS ERIC legal seat; it has the central role of coordinating the entire infrastructure including the operation of the integrated (ICS) and thematic (TCS) core services.

Executive Director (ED)

the legal representative of EPOS ERIC; the Executive Director shall bear the overall responsibility for ensuring that EPOS ERIC implements the decisions of the General Assembly.

Delivery framework

the framework where the relationships among the key actors are regulated by specific rules and procedures; it includes the EPOS ERIC legal seat (represented by the ECO), the Integrated Core Services Central Hub (ICS-C) and Integrated Core Services Distributed (ICS-D), and the Thematic Core Services (TCS).

General Assembly (GA)

the EPOS ERIC higher decision body.

Integrated Core Services


the novel, single e-infrastructure that allows discovery, access, download, processing, and analysis of multidisciplinary data, data products, services and software to different stakeholders, including but not limited to the EPOS scientific community.

ICS Central Hub


the data and products integrating node that is built, run and maintained within the perimeter of EPOS ERIC.

EPOS terminology (acronyms)


ICS – Distributed


the existing visualization or computational resources (e.g., High Performance Computing National centres) used by ICS-C, and for which appropriate procurement policies are required.

In-kind Contribution


one of the possible EPOS ERIC resources (Article 15(c) of the EPOS ERIC Statutes).

Implementing Rules (IR)

rules of procedure adopted by the GA in accordance with Article 10(5)(e) and Article 12(3)(a) of the Statutes of EPOS ERIC.


coordinates and organizes IT implementation of the EPOS Delivery Framework under the direction of the Executive Committee and following the EPOS ERIC Strategic Plan.


a graphic exemplification of how EPOS partners can contribute to build and operate the EPOS Delivery Framework; the EPOS ERIC Perimeter delimits the core components governed by EPOS ERIC.

Pilot Operational Phase


the current EPOS RI transition stage from the implementation to the operational phase. It will last three years (2020-2022) and it will be coordinated by the EPOS ERIC.

Pilot Operational Testing


a set of testing carried out during the EPOS POP related to i. technical testing of the ICS-C services; ii. user testing of the TCS portal; iii. technical testing of the ICS-TCS integration.

Representing Entity (RE)

a legal entity that, due to its expertise on research matters and resources to carry out the activities of the ERIC, represents the country as regards the exercise of specified rights and the discharge of specified obligations as a Member of the ERIC; the members and observers of the ERIC and their representing entities are listed in Statutes Annex I.

Service Activation Roadmap


the roadmap to activate EPOS services.

Scientific Board


an external Board that monitors the scientific quality of EPOS ERIC activities and issue recommendations to the General Assembly.

Service Coordination Committee


the body the Executive Director consults on all matters relevant for the EPOS Delivery Framework.

Sustainability Phase project


project, funded by the European Commission under Horizon2020, INFRADEV-3 call, Grant Agreement n. 871121, to perform activities aimed at ensuring the long-term sustainability of the EPOS Research Infrastructure as the Europe’s key Research Infrastructures for the Solid Earth Science.

Sponsored Research Activities


internal projects funded by EPOS ERIC through the steering funds foreseen in the EPOS Business Plan.

Thematic Core Services


the governance framework for each specific scientific community, linked technically to the ICS and strategically to EPOS ERIC.