Calls For Tenders
All open tenders shall be announced on this page, where all related information will be listed and made available to download. Please join our newsletter to be notified with new calls for tenders are announced.
Calls for tenders are procedures applied to generate offers from companies competing for works, supply or service contracts. EPOS ERIC procurement policy shall respect the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and competition. According to the provisions of article 24 of the EPOS ERIC Statutes, EPOS ERIC shall treat procurement candidates and tenderers equally and without discrimination.
Contact EPOS ERIC Regarding Tenders
EPOS ERIC would be happy to assist, should you have any questions or queries regarding tenders. These should be submitted to EPOS ERIC Administration: (Italian tenderers)
administration[at] (Foreign tenders)
and in copy to:
EPOS ERIC Executive Director, Ms. Carmela Freda (executive.director[at]
EPOS ERIC Administrative Officer, Ms. Diana Piras (diana.piras[at]
Privacy Statement
Personal data will be processed pursuant to Article 13 of the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
We will treat data with respect. The interested party can contact us at any time to cancel the consent to store and use your personal data, by sending an email to For more information about our privacy practice please read our EPOS Privacy Policy.
Unless indicated otherwise, the replies to the questions and any personal data requested are required to evaluate the tender in accordance with the specifications of the invitation to tender and will be processed solely for that purpose by EPOS ERIC.