EPOS ON includes partners from 18 countries, who represent not only research and academy, but also private sector companies and new communities.
- EPOS ERIC | web |
(project coordinator)
- University of Utrecht | web |
- CNRS | web |
- Royal Observatory of Belgium | web |
- University of Bergen | web |
- Institute of Geophysics – Polish Academy of Science | web |
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | web |
- Lulea University of Technology | web |
- Norwegian Geotechnical Institute| web |
- AGH University of Kracow | web |
- GFZ -Helmholtz Centre Potsdam | web |
- Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts - ZRC SAZU | web |
- ISPRA | web |
- National Institute for Research and Development for Earth Physics | web |
- EUCENTRE | web |
- Federal Institute for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology | web |
- National Research Council | web |
- University of Oulu | web |
- Geothermal Research Cluster (GEORG) | web |
- Ruđer Bošković Institute | web |
- Global Earthquake Model foundation | web |
- Association of the Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development | web |
- Icelandic metereological office | web |
- “Federico II” University of Naples | web |
- University Beira Interior | web |
- Boğaziçi University | web |
- Flanders Marine Institute | web |
- National Observatory of Athens | web |
- French Geological Survey - BRGM | web |
- INGV | web |
- Université Grenoble Alpes | web |
- Université Clermont Auvergne | web |
- Landsvirkjun | web |