EPOS is a widely distributed pan-European Research Infrastructure spanning 26 European countries, recognized as a landmark on the ESFRI Roadmap and featured in numerous national Research Infrastructure roadmaps.
In addition to their participation in EPOS ERIC, many countries contribute to EPOS through national nodes. The organisation and governance of the EPOS national nodes varies across the countries: in some countries nodes have the form of a consortium, while in others they are driven by one or two organisations. Regardless the specific choice, that reflects the specificities and preferences of the country, national nodes are an invaluable asset for strengthening the engagement with key national stakeholders including funders, policy makers and the national scientific and academic communities.
Click on the logos to learn more the established nodes and their activities, and get in touch with them.
In addition to the national nodes, the Nordic Countries have also created a regional node, EPOS Nordic, with the objective of fostering synergies and collaboration in within the region and addessing issues of common interest.