Contributions are invited for the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Session (ITS) session co-hosted by EPOS at EGU25, focussing on "Inter- and Transdisciplinary Studies of the Geosphere: Challenges and New Perspectives".
Co-organized by EPOS, ECCSEL ERIC, EMSO ERIC and the Geo-Inquire project, the session aims to explore innovative approaches to tackling complex geoscience challenges. We welcome presentations of real-life scientific studies and research experiences from scientists and Early Career Scientists in Environmental Sciences, but also about the challenges experienced by researchers in connection to data availability, collection, processing, interpretation, and the application of interdisciplinary methods. A non-exhaustive list of of relevant topics includes:
multidisciplinary studies involving data from different disciplines, e.g. combining seismology, geodesy, oceanography and petrology to understand subduction zone dynamics;
interdisciplinary works, integrating two or more disciplines to create fresh approaches, e.g. merging solid earth and ocean sciences data to study coastal/oceanic areas and earth dynamics;
showcase activities enabling interdisciplinarity and open science, e.g. enhancing FAIRness of data and services, enriching data provision, enabling cross-domain AI applications, software and workflows, transnational access and capacity building for ECS;
transdisciplinary experiences that surpass disciplinary boundaries, integrate paradigms and engage stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, e.g. bringing together geologists, social scientists, civil engineers and urban planners to define risk maps and prevention measures in urban planning, or studies combining volcanology, atmospheric, health and climate sciences.
Learn more, propose a contribution and share with interested colleagues on on the EGU25 website.
The deadline for abstract submission is set to Wednesday, 15 January 13:00 CET.