The 2021 ORFEUS Annual Meeting and Workshop: New Data Types and Communities will be held remotely on November 8 and 9, 2021.
The workshop will focus on the following topics:
- the challenges posed by the integration of new datasets like DAS,
- large-N low-cost instrumentation,
- OBS,
- gravimetry, including the plans of large European mobile pools for the management of such data.
Each workshop session will start with a presentation jointly prepared by experts on the topics above, followed by questions and discussion.
The preliminary program of the workshop is available at:
Contact the organisers to contribute to the joint presentations based on the experience at your data center on the topics above mentioned.
The maximum number of participants is 250.
Please register by 25 October 2021 at the following link:
The registration will close as soon as the maximum number of 250 participants is reached; only registered participants will receive the information to join the virtual meeting.