Since 2005, the European Researchers’ Night (ERN) brings science closer to the public on the last Friday of September. Organised annually in 29 countries, the event aims to show the public how interesting the research work is and to increase the interest of young people in science.
The ERN makes science accessible to all through scientific activities which combine education with entertainment, such as exhibitions, hands-on experiments, science shows, games, competitions, quizzes, and debates.
This year, the ERN took place on the 29th of September. The INCDFP (National Institute for Earth Physics) was present in three locations (The Romanian Geological Museum from Bucharest, The Central Square of Magurele and Timisoara Seismological Observatory) promoting also the importance of EPOS infrastructure and its services in the field of Solid Earth Sciences through Thematic Core Services Seismology, GNSS Data and Products and Anthropogenic Hazards.
The stand has received a large number of visitors who had the chance to discover more about recording and monitoring and how buildings behave during an earthquake, using educational Shake Tables and different structure models.

By Mihaela Dragan