FRIDGE, the EU NFO Federated Specific Data Gateway, is the common portal to all EU Near Fault Observatories for sharing data and scientific products. In this gateway, NFOs can identify the metadata standards of specific data and data products and download them.
FRIDGE also hosts simple visualisation tools to analyze and compare fault anatomy and multidisciplinary data and products, such as seismological or GNSS raw data. This virtual environment will help advance the study of the solid Earth Sciences, particularly the knowledge of earthquake sources and tectonic processes involved in the generation of seismic events.
The implementation of the FRIDGE prototype is made in collaboration with the ICS. The IT team of TCS NFO takes advantage of available data structures in the NFOs, such as the geochemical database schema used by TABOO and QuakeML, used in all NFOs, to create a comprehensive and modern e-infrastructure within EPOS.