The EPOS SP project is organised into 9 Work Packages (WPs).
WP1: Project management
Lead beneficiary: EPOS ERIC
The aim of WP1 is to guarantee an effective, smooth and high-quality performance of the EPOS SP project, with respect to both contractual and financial management as well as operational and strategic management.
WP2: Governance and financial framework
Lead beneficiary: EPOS ERIC
The main objective of WP2 is to strengthen the financial sustainability of the EPOS Delivery Framework in a governance environment that is coherent with EPOS ERIC.
WP3: Global dimension, European and international cooperation
Lead beneficiary: UKRI
WP3 will consolidate international collaboration with other relevant Research Infrastructures (RIs), initiatives and organisations in the solid Earth and related domains, including e-science to expand and develop the global dimension of EPOS.
WP4: Increasing value for users
Lead beneficiary: BRGM
The aim of WP4 is to ensure the sustainability of the EPOS Delivery Framework from a technical perspective, delivering robust services in an environment suitable for increasing end-user trust and encouraging new communities to join EPOS.
WP5: Strengthening links with private sector
Lead beneficiary: IGPAS
The goal of the WP5 is to strengthen the links of EPOS with the private sector, by increasing EPOS visibility and attractiveness for industry and SMEs and by preparing legal, organisational, financial, technical and ethical frameworks for the EPOS-industry partnerships.
WP6: Value for society
Lead beneficiary: ETH Zurich
WP6 will investigate the opportunities and the threats of EPOS services for society with the aim of developing a clear and consistent strategy together with guidelines and recommendations for EPOS on how to interface with stakeholders in an ethical dimension suitable for strengthening its economic and societal value.
WP7: Outreach and training
Lead beneficiary: UiB
The main objective of WP7 is to contribute to outreach and dissemination of the EPOS contents and usage to diverse stakeholders, including training for users.
WP8: Impact on long-term sustainability
Lead beneficiary: CNRS
WP8 is dedicated to the long-term sustainability of the EPOS Research Infrastructure. This is a transversal WP that collects and assembles the input of sustainability issues from other WPs.
WP9: Ethics requirements
Lead beneficiary: EPOS ERIC
The objective of WP9 is to set out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with, including issues of data protection and risk assessment.
The EPOS SP - European Plate Observing System Sustainability Phase project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 871121