Within EPOS' framework, each Thematic Core Service (TCS) provides community-specific portals, where users can find a wide variety of data and other resources related to the Solid Earth Sciences.
- Seismology
ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology), founded in 1987, is a non-profit foundation that promotes seismology in the greater European region through the collection, archival and distribution of seismic waveform data, metadata and closely related services and products. The data and services are collected or developed at national level by more than 60 contributing Institutions and further developed, integrated, standardized, homogenized and promoted through ORFEUS. ORFEUS services comprise: (i) the European Integrated waveform Data Archive (EIDA); and (ii) the European Strong-Motion databases (SM).
EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre), founded in 1975, is the European organization to establish and operate a system for rapid determination of the European and Mediterranean earthquake epicentres (location of major earthquakes within a delay of approximately one hour). The EMSC, acting as the central authority, is responsible for transmitting these results immediately to the appropriate international authorities and to the members in order to meet the needs of protection of society, scientific progress and general information.
Portal website with access to parameter data on earthquakes observed by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre.
EFEHR, the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk, is a consortium of organisations focused towards providing sustainable community resources and services for European Earthquake Hazard and Risk. EFEHR facilitates open-access to online data, interactive products and services relevant for seismic hazard and risk in Europe.
The EFEHR (European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk) hazard platform facilitates open-access to online data, interactive products and services relevant for seismic hazard in Europe. These include seismic hazard maps, curves, uniform hazard spectra and disaggregation data.
The EFEHR risk platform facilitates open-access to online data, interactive products and services relevant for seismic risk in Europe. These include exposure data and maps, vulnerability data for a wide range of building classes, and loss curves and maps.
EDSF, the European Databases of Seismogenic Faults, is a service of EFEHR and offers a repository of geologic fault information aimed at providing input for earthquake hazards assessment. Two main categories of seismogenic faults are considered: crustal faults and subduction systems. The database compilation relies on published data at regional/national scale and their harmonization across borders. Open-access to data is ensured by the www.seismofaults.eu portal and its linked webpages through interactive user interfaces, webservices, and direct download of GIS files.
AHEAD, the European Archive of Historical Earthquake Data 1000-1899, inventories and distributes data of diverse provenance and typology - descriptive studies, intensity data, parametric catalogues - on pre-instrumental European earthquakes. AHEAD relies on eight regional online macroseismic archives, complemented with data from the literature. AHEAD can be queried both by earthquake, to access a multiplicity of data related to each individual earthquake, and by data source.
- Near-Fault Observations
EU Testing Centre for Early Warning & Source Characterization. This is a testing facility for earthquake Early Warning systems. Software running at a Centre ingests real-time data coming from NFO seismic networks to provide early warning parameters. The service also provides evaluation of the performance based on community standard metrics, that are displayed on dedicated web pages. Service provider: UNINA
EU Near Fault Observatories Federated Specific Data Gateway. This is the portal common to all the EU Near Fault Observatories for sharing NFO specific data and scientific products. It also hosts simple visualization tools for multidisciplinary data. Service provider: INGV
- GNSS Data and Products
The GNSS Data Gateway is the central point of access of an e-infrastructure that is designed to store and disseminate validated GNSS data and metadata provided by existing Research Infrastructures. The e-infrastructure is based on a top of an unique node, hosted at the GNSS Data Gateway, that centralizes validated file metadata from independent local nodes and validated station metadata from the station metadata submission center (M3G). On the GNSS Data Gateway, users can search and download for available EPOS GNSS data and metadata from all over Europe, including some EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) ones. Data and metadata are distributed to the public through a web interface and command line clients using a dedicate API.
The GNSS Products Portal enables the visualisation and download of GNSS products such as daily and weekly position time series, velocities and strain rate maps. Stations with products can be selected by region, network and Analysis/Combination centre. The graphical interface enables station visualization and multiple queries over stations and associated metadata allowing users to retrieve the desired information in various formats. Download of GNSS products is also made possible using a REST API documented with Swagger.
M3G stands for “Metadata Management and distribution system for Multiple GNSS Networks”. GNSS station managers use M3G to upload, validate, and distribute their GNSS station metadata such as IGS-style site logs, information about local networks, data owner, DOIs, nominal data provision, licenses on the data, etc... M3G's metadata of EPOS GNSS stations are provided to the GNSS Data Gateway and are also available through M3G's APIs.
- Volcano Observations
European Catalogue of Volcanoes
Project website to the Mediterranean Supersite Volcanoes
Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes
- Satellite Data
The Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) aims to support the exploitation of satellite Earth Observations(EO) for geohazards and provides a community portal helping scientist to access and exploit geohazard related data. GEP not only allow discovering and collecting EO data and products, but also provides systematic and on-demand services for processing EO data.
- Geomagnetic Observations
The World Data Centre (WDC) for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh, has a comprehensive set of digital geomagnetic data as well as indices of geomagnetic activity supplied from a worldwide network of magnetic observatories. The WDC in Edinburgh actively engages with the geomagnetic community to grow their data collections. WDC Edinburgh sends out an annual 'call for data' to operating observatories and work closely with WDS network member INTERMAGNET to ingest data from their associated observatories; maintains a list of observatory information on behalf of IAGA Division V - Observatories working group, and aims to improve the metadata associated with observatory data and are working with the geomagnetism community, INTERMAGNET and EPOS to advance this.
IMAGE consists of 41 magnetometer stations maintained by 8 institutes from Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. The prime objectives of IMAGE are to study auroral electrojets and moving two-dimensional current systems. The long profile covering geographic latitudes from 51 to 79 degrees is especially favourable for electrojet studies. Together with other ground-based recordings (by radars, riometers, all-sky cameras) and satellite observations, IMAGE is an essential part in the investigations of high-latitude magnetospheric-ionospheric physics. Together with its predecessor, the EISCAT magnetometer cross started in 1982, IMAGE also provides high-quality data useful for studies of geomagnetic induction and long-term geomagnetic activity in the auroral region.
The INTERMAGNET mission is to establish and maintain an organization with a worldwide membership drawn from institutes operating geomagnetic observatories that is dedicated to building a network of geomagnetic observatories supplying consistent data, with the geographical coverage, quality, and timeliness of delivery required to meet the evolving needs of research and applied science.
The International Service of Geomagnetic Indices (ISGI) has a mandate from IAGA (our International sicence community) for the elaboration and dissemination of geomagnetic indices, and of tables of remarkable magnetic events, based on the report of magnetic observatories distributed all over the planet, with the help of ISGI Collaborating Institutes.
- Anthropogenic Hazards
The EPISODES Platform connected to international data storage nodes integrates the research infrastructure of EPOS TCS AH. The platform contains unique datasets called "episodes", related to anthropogenic seismicity and other hazardous phenomena, comprehensively describing a geophysical process, induced or triggered by human technological activity, which poses a hazard for populations, infrastructure, and the environment. The platform offers access to a large set of embedded applications for processing, analysis, and visualization of the data. The applications can be used to relate seismicity and technological factors for hazard assessment and other scientific purposes.
- Geological Information and Modeling
Portal website to EuroGeoSurveys’ European Geological Data Infrastructure
OneGeology is an international initiative of geological surveys of the world. The objective is to improve the WWW accessibility (including interoperability) and usefulness of global geoscience data needed to address many societal issues including mitigation of hazards, meeting resource requirements, and climate change. It is to make web-accessible the best available geological and other geoscience data worldwide at the best possible scales. Over the 944 data sets, services and maps, the most popular is at 1:1 million scale but numerous maps can be found at 1/500,000 and 1/250,000 as well. As on April 2021, 190 organisations from 121 countries contribute to OneGeology and publish onshore and/or offshore geological maps.
- Multiscale Laboratories
The Multi-scale Laboratories Community Portal (MSLCAT) is a metadata catalogue of sustainable data publications, access to general lab information, and a community platform for solid Earth science lab research.
The GFZ Data Services is the standard sustainable data repository for the German Geo Sciences. It is based on community-proven technology and quality standards.