The AGU21 Fall Meeting will take place from December 13 to 17, in a hybrid format (in New Orleans, U.S.A, and online).

EPOS will be represented at the AGU21 Fall Meeting by members of the Thematic Core Services Multi-Scale Laboratories and Satellite Data communities, EPOS Poland, and EPOS ERIC (more detailed information below).

The AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting is an annual event dedicated to the Earth and Space sciences. "Science is Society" is the chosen theme for this year’s edition, which will celebrate positive individual and collective outcomes in the field.

Keynote speakers include Dr. Robert D. Bullard, a Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at Texas Southern University, John F. Kerry, U.S.A’s first Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, and Dr. Kelly Mack, Vice President for Undergraduate STEM Education and Executive Director of Project Kaleidoscope at the Association of American Colleges and Universities, among others. 

More information about the AGU21 Fall Meeting can be found here


Agenda (EPOS Participation at #AGU21) 


13 December (Monday)

1. Convention Center - Room 288-290
19:52 - 19:57

IN13A-02 The Future of X-informatics Lies in Collaborative Convergence: an Exemplar from the Global Global OneGeochemistry Initiative.

Lesley A Wyborn, Kerstin Lehnert, and Jens F Klump.


14 December (Tuesday)

1. Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F
23:00 - 01:00

S25G-0333 Velocity Structure of the Song Trahn 2 reservoir in Vietnam from first arrival P-wave

Taghi Shirzad and Beata Orlecka-Sikora

2. Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F
23:00 - 01:00

IN25A-0450 Seismic declustering and seismic events pattern recognition in Norway: Preliminary results using the Wolfram Mathematica® machine learning tools.

Claudia Pavez Orrego and Rodrigo Estay Huidobro

15 December (Wednesday)

1. Convention Center - Room 348-349
21:50 - 21:55
EPOS TCS Satellite Data

G34A-05 Updates on the COMET LiCSAR System for Automatised Global Interferometric Measurements of Tectonic and Volcanic Areas using Sentinel-1 InSAR Data

Milan Lazecky, Yasser Maghsoudi, Scott Watson, Susanna K Ebmeier, John R Elliott, Andrew J Hooper and Tim J Wright.

2. Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F
23h00 to 01h00
EPOS TCS Multi-Scale Laboratories

GP35A-0314 MagIC Data Repository Update: Data Translation Script For IRM Data Files Available, MagIC Funded JupyterHub for Running PmagPy Without Local Installation, EPOS-MSL Collaboration is Live, Datasets Crawled and Presented by Google's Dataset Search and EarthCube's GeoCODES

Nicholas Jarboe, Rupert Minnett, Lisa Tauxe, Anthony A P Koppers

16 December (Thursday)

1. Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F 
23h00 to 01h00
EPOS Poland 

G45B-0400 Evaluation of the GACOS atmospheric corrections on the ground surface deformation estimated by Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry in the area of Upper Silesian Coal Basin in Poland

Kamila Pawluszek-Filipiak, Natalia Wielgocka, Tymon Lewandowski and Damian Tondaś

17 December (Friday) 

1. Convention Center - Poster Hall, D-F 
20h05 to 20h10

IN53A-04 Creating ENVRI-hub, the Open-Access Platform of the Environmental Sciences Community in Europe

Andreas Petzold, Ari Asmi, Rita Gomes, Katrin Seemeyer, Angeliki Adamaki, Alexander T Vermeulen, Daniele Bailo, Keith G Jeffery, Helen Glaves, Zhiming Zhao, Markus Stocker and Margareta Hellström

The above-mentioned sessions will happen virtually and in-person. Time of sessions is Central European Time (CET).

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