The 2nd call for the EPOS-NL Facility Access was open from 9 June to 16 July 2021 for proposals to get access to:

  • the ESL High Pressure and Temperature (HPT) and Tectonic modelling labs at Utrecht University,
  • the CT scanners of the Multi-scale Imaging and Tomography (MINT) facility at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and/or the Delft Petrophysics Lab at TU Delft.

Out of 31 applications, received from all over the world, 24 have been awarded.

Successful applicants received the following services free of charge: lab and equipment use, technical support and scientific support for analyzing data for the duration of the access period.

Next call for the EPOS-NL Facility Access opens in Q1 2022. Stay tuned!

More information on EPOS NL website.

EPOS NL facilities